Certificate in Leadership and Management
The Certificate in Leadership and Management program is an online program specifically designed to meet the needs of those starting their career in or aspiring towards leadership positions in health care. This program will enhance participants’ knowledge and expertise in managing and leading clinical teams to support:
- excellence in patient care;
- high performance operations, and;
- healthy work environments.
All course content is relevant for working in healthcare systems around the world; those living outside of Canada are encouraged to register for the courses and program. Those promoted to healthcare leadership roles are often recognized for their exceptional contributions as healthcare professionals. However, these individuals may not have the knowledge and experience needed to lead others. This certificate program offers participants opportunities to engage in critical reflection and dialogue to support development of their personal management and leadership skills. The courses address a wide variety of situations, and common issues encountered in these roles such as, workplace conflict, patient flow, staff scheduling, addressing poor performance indicators (employee and clinical outcomes), and implementing change (e.g. patient population; physical space; new quality or operational directives).
How long does the program take?
The Certificate in Leadership & Management program is comprised of four courses offered by the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing in an online learning environment. Within the weekly modules, you will study in your own time and at your own pace. Maximum time to complete the program and receive the certificate is three years. Participants who successfully complete all four courses will receive the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Continuing Professional Development Certificate in Leadership & Management.
Certificate Criteria
Participants must successfully complete all 4 courses, normally over a three-year period, to earn the Certificate in Leadership and Management. The passing grade of 70% is set for each course. Courses offered by the Centre for Professional Development cannot be credited towards a degree program.
- Participants may take individual courses without completing the full certificate
- Courses may be taken in any order
International students are eligible to register for all courses in this certificate program.
Bloomberg Centre for Professional Development’s Strategic Alliance with the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL).
The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) and the Bloomberg Centre for Professional Development (CPD) have a Strategic Alliance partnership. The alliance allows Bloomberg CPD to use the LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework & Leadership Self-Assessment, throughout the Leadership & Management and Clinical Leadership in Long-Term Care certificate programs.
The alliance also provides certificate participants with the opportunity to become a member of CCHL at the reduced College student rate, and to receive advanced standing (reduced cost & requirements, 7 post CHE completion credits, and exemption from experience requirements) when applying to become a Certified Health Executive (CHE) through CCHL.
See FAQ’s for more details on:
Available Courses
Leadership & Management 1: Role, Competencies and Context
This 6-week online course focuses on development of a foundational knowledge base in leadership & management. It is designed to meet the needs of those starting careers in or aspiring […]
Leadership & Management 2: Managing People
This 6-week online course focuses on the practical application of theory and evidence for effectively leading and/or managing clinical teams’ human resources. It is designed to meet the needs of […]
Leadership & Management 3: Managing Business
This 6-week online course focuses on the practical application of theory and evidence for leading/managing effective and efficient clinical teams. Content will specifically address fiscal and operational needs of high […]
Leadership & Management 4: Managing Practice, Quality Care and Operational Performance
This 6-week on-line course focuses on the practical application of theory and evidence on the leader/manager’s role in supporting & advancing professional practice, optimizing quality care, and operational performance management […]
Course Format
This certificate consists of 4 courses, each 6-weeks in duration and delivered through the University of Toronto’s learning management system (Quercus).
- Courses are primarily self-paced; however participants are required to engage in discussions and submit activities/assignments within identified timelines.
- Each course will host a LIVE (via Zoom) session for faculty & participants to engage with one another in a group discussion (alternative option is also available for this activity for those unable to attend).
- Participants can expect to allocate ~8 hours per week to complete the required components of the course. The time spent on any one module will vary from student to student based on your learning needs and style of learning.
- Each course utilizes a similar format and teaching methods. On a weekly basis, participants will view an e-learning module, read required readings, and actively engage with the course material by participating in various learning activities. The emphasis of learning activities and assignments is on the notion of application of theory to practice and critical reflection.
What Others Have Said
This certificate exceeded my expectations, was able to apply concepts in real time in my role.
Far exceeded my expectations. The course modules and lectures by the instructors were outstanding.
A comprehensive introduction to leadership and management principles for novice leaders or those looking to move into formal leadership roles.
Every leader and manage should take this.
The program has far-exceeded my expectations. It is very well organized, the lectures, delivery and course content is excellent. The course content is appropriate for those in informal and formal leadership roles, as well as those in management positions.
Definitely helpful for a bedside healthcare professional aspiring to a managerial role to take. Many things I never thought of or considered previously, which made me think outside the box.