Current Chairholders

Kristin Cleverley, RN, PhD, CPMHN(C)
CAMH Chair in Mental Health Nursing Research
Improving the transition in mental health care services from youth to adulthood for youth with mental illness.

Lindsay Jibb, RN, PhD
Signy Hildur Eaton Chair in Paediatric Nursing Research
Using mHealth and eHealth technologies to manage pain in children and adolescents with cancer.

Tieghan Killackey, RN, PhD
RBC Chair in Cardiovascular Nursing Research
Improving transitions in care across the lifespan for patients with chronic cardiovascular disease.

Samantha Mayo, RN, PhD
RBC Chair in Nursing Oncology, Research and Education
Optimizing long-term health outcomes of cancer survivors, focusing particularly on cancer-related cognitive impairment (“chemobrain”).

Martine Puts, RN, PhD , FAAN
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2), in Care of Frail Older Adults
Improving the quality of life and health outcomes of older adults, particularly those with cancer.

Jennifer Stinson, RN-EC, PhD, CPNP, FAAN
Mary Jo Haddad Nursing Chair in Child Health Research
Improving management of pain and other symptoms in children with chronic illnesses using eHealth and mHealth technology.

Mandana Vahabi, RN, PhD
Women’s Health Research Chair
Advancing access and equity in women’s health and addressing cancer screening disparities among structurally marginalized populations.

Kimberley Widger, RN, PhD, CHPCN(C)
Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Pediatric Palliative Care
Ensuring each child diagnosed with a life-threatening condition receives optimal palliative care throughout the illness.