Course Timetables
We have changed how you can view your course information. Full course schedules for each program are available on our Student Services Hub on Quercus. For questions regarding enrolment and registration please email:
Undergraduate Program Course Timetables
Graduate Programs Course Timetables
PhD Student/Faculty Seminars
Section 0101
Research Design, Appraisal, and Utilization: Nurse Practitioner
Section 6331
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: All course content and evaluations will be online. Students will not be required to be online at specific times to participate. Synchronous exam: The final exam will be written online at a specific time (TBA).
Section 6332
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: All course content and evaluations will be online. Students will not be required to be online at specific times to participate. Synchronous exam: The final exam will be written online at a specific time (TBA).
Section 6333
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: All course content and evaluations will be online. Students will not be required to be online at specific times to participate. Synchronous exam: The final exam will be written online at a specific time (TBA).
Research Design, Appraisal, and Utilization: Nurse Practitioner
Section 6331
Section 6332
Section 6333
Introduction to Qualitative Research: Methodologies, Appraisal and Knowledge Translation: Nurse Practitioner
Section 6331
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: Most course content will be delivered asynchronously online with some synchronous learning
Additional Notes
Please note two mandatory synchronous tutorials:
Jan 30 & March 27 (1-2 PM EST)
Other weekly synchronous tutorials are optional: Thurs 1-2 PM EST
Section 6332
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: Most course content will be delivered asynchronously online with some synchronous learning
Additional Notes
Please note two mandatory synchronous tutorials:
Jan 30 & March 27 (1-2 PM EST)
Other weekly synchronous tutorials are optional: Thurs 1-2 PM EST
Section 6333
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: Most course content will be delivered asynchronously online with some synchronous learning
Additional Notes
Please note two mandatory synchronous tutorials:
Jan 30 & March 27 (1-2 PM EST)
Other weekly synchronous tutorials are optional: Thurs 1-2 PM EST
Introduction to Qualitative Research: Methodologies, Appraisal and Knowledge Translation: Nurse Practitioner
Section 6331
Section 6332
Section 6333
Program Planning and Evaluation in Nursing: Nurse Practitioner
Section 6331
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: All course content and evaluations will be online. Students will not be required to be online at specific times to participate.
Section 6332
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: All course content and evaluations will be online. Students will not be required to be online at specific times to participate.
Section 6333
Delivery Method
Asynchronous: All course content and evaluations will be online. Students will not be required to be online at specific times to participate.
Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning
Field of Study
Section L6331
Delivery Method
Hybrid (In Person/Asynchronous): Requires mandatory in-person clinical placement and residency. Course
content will be delivered asynchronously.
Section 6332
Delivery Method
Hybrid (In Person/Asynchronous): Requires mandatory in-person clinical placement and residency. Course
content will be delivered asynchronously.
Advanced Health Assessment and Clinical Reasoning
Field of Study
Section L6331
Delivery Method
Hybrid (In Person/Asynchronous): Requires mandatory in-person clinical placement and residency. Course
content will be delivered asynchronously.
Section L6332
Delivery Method
Hybrid (In Person/Asynchronous): Requires mandatory in-person clinical placement and residency. Course
content will be delivered asynchronously.
Advanced Health Assessment and Therapeutic Management I
Field of Study
Section 6331
Delivery Method
Synchronous: Asynchronous delivery and scheduled synchronous components with mandatory attendance during select times (TBA)
The final exam will also be written online at a specific time (TBA at the start of the course).
Section 6332
Delivery Method
Synchronous: Asynchronous delivery and scheduled synchronous components with mandatory attendance during select times (TBA)
The final exam will also be written online at a specific time (TBA at the start of the course).
Advanced Health Assessment and Therapeutic Management I
Field of Study
Section 6331
Delivery Method
In Person: Requires mandatory on-site clinical placement. The final exam will alsobe written online at a
specific time. There will also be additional online course content and/or evaluations. More details will be provided prior to the start of the course.