About Us

Why Choose Bloomberg Nursing?

  • Renowned and highly respected nursing researchers and educators who make major contributions to nursing knowledge, health policy and future practice

  • High quality student experience and generous funding support, including opportunities to engage in research

  • State-of-the-art simulation laboratory designed to provide hands-on, experiential learning in community, home, and acute care environments

  • Close partnerships with Canada’s leading teaching hospitals through the Toronto Academic and Health Sciences Network (TAHSN)

  • Highly competitive placements in leading teaching hospitals, community organizations and agencies across the GTHA

  • Continuous learning opportunities for advanced practice nursing through our esteemed Centre for Professional Development

Vision, Mission & Values

Our vision

Leading and pursuing excellence in nursing education, research and practice.

Our mission

We are committed to strategic global leadership in nursing research and education. Through mentorship from our innovative faculty, our graduates excel in professional practice, lead in nursing research and scholarship, and improve health locally and globally. Together we shape the future of nursing.

Our values

  • Rigorous scholarship and critical inquiry

  • Innovation and creativity

  • Interdisciplinarity and collaboration

  • Social justice and ethical advocacy

The Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing is committed to ensuring an equitable an inclusive community of excellence.

The Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Indigenous Reconciliation Committee (EDI&IR) is part of the Faculty’s strategy to build structures and processes that are sustainable, and ensure engagement with diverse groups, including students, faculty, staff, alumni, clinical partners and nurse leaders.

The role of the EDI&IR Committee is to act in an advisory capacity to amplify the diverse voices of those who have historically faced obstacles in society. The Committee will recommend changes to Bloomberg Nursing’s policies, processes and practices, and advise other standing committees on initiatives to address current and emerging issues.

The EDI&IR Committee also aligns its efforts with those of the broader University to combat anti-Black racism as well as to advance the University’s calls to action as part of the Truth and Reconciliation Comission of Canada (TRC).

Learn more about the EDI&IR Committee by viewing the Terms of Reference.

EDIIR Membership


Joanne Louis

Faculty – Teaching Stream

Andrea Baumann

Student – PhD Yr 4

Dean Linda Johnston

ex officio

General Members:

Alicia Maria Lara Gonzalez

Student-MN Clinical Yr2

Chantal Sorhaindo

Clinical Partner/Faculty-Adjunct

Elena Blackwood

Clinical Partner/Alumni-BScN 2005

Esther Eruysal

Student-MN Clinical Yr2

Farah Khan

Clinical Partner/Faculty-Adjunct/Alumni-MN 2009

Heather Burnside

Student-PhD Yr4

Jacqueline Lumsden

Clinical Partner/Faculty-Adjunct

Kavita Bailey

Alumni-MN NP 2023/Clinical Partner

Kavita Kandhai

Administrative Staff

Michelle Simpson

Alumni-BScN 1990

Shan Mohammed

Faculty-Teaching Stream

Sarah Elkhalifa

Student-BScN Yr 1

Shraddha Timalsina

Student-BScN Yr 2

Vivian Li

Student-BScN Yr 2

Priorities for 2022-2023

Priority 1:

Recruitment and Hiring of Faculty and Staff

Priority 2:

Student Recruitment and Admissions

Report to Faculty Council – April 2022

In 2021 Daniel Consulting Group faciliated a series of discussoins with Bloomberg Nursing graduate and undergraduate students to discuss issues related to students’ experience of anti-Black racism in the faculty.

Read the final report:

Dean’s Statements

University of Toronto EDI Resources

Faculty Council

The Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing is governed by a faculty council comprised of representatives from the university and faculty governance, administrative staff, students, and teaching staff.

For more information about the specific nature of the composition of the Faculty Council please review its constitution and bylaws.

Officers of the Council for 2024-2025


Profile of Martine Puts

Martine Puts

Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Care of Frail Older Adults

Vice Chair

Meeting Schedule 2024-2025

October 3, 2024

February 6, 2025

April 10, 2025

June 5, 2025

Meeting Schedule 2022-2023

October 26, 2022

February 15, 2023

April 19, 2023

June 7, 2023

October 19, 2023

Faculty Council Meeting Archives

Faculty Council Meeting (2023-2024)

June 6, 2024

  • Agenda

April 11, 2024

  • Agenda
  • Minutes

February 1, 2024

  • Agenda
  • Minutes

October 19, 2023

  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Faculty Council Meeting (2022-2023)

October 22, 2022

  • Agenda
  • Minutes

February 15, 2023

  • Agenda
  • Minutes

April 19, 2023

  • Agenda
  • Minutes

June 7, 2023

  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Faculty Council Meeting (2021-2022)

September 29, 2021

  • Agenda
  • Minutes

February 16, 2022

  • Agenda
  • Minutes

April 20, 2022

  • Agenda
  • Minutes

June 15, 2022

  • Agenda
  • Minutes
Faculty Council Meeting (2020-2021)

October 28, 2020

February 10, 2021

April 21, 2021

June 16, 2021

Faculty Council Meeting (2019-2020)

October 30, 2019

February 12, 2020

April 29, 2020

June 17, 2020

A Century of History

Over one hundred years of nursing excellence at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto, has been developed and nurtured by a strong commitment to leadership and a willingness to push the boundaries of what nursing has to offer, in our research, our education, and our clinical practice.

This is Nursing in Action.

A First in Canada

Use for 1920


Place with text for 1920 - "Ms. E Kathleen Russell..."

Ms. E. Kathleen Russell, a nurse with a radical idea, established the Department of Public Health Nursing as an experiment in education science. Her ground-breaking vision was to include social welfare and public health education into the traditional hospital-focused training of nurses. Ms. Russell’s determination and leadership served to bolster the education of nurse leaders in administration, education and public health during a critical time following the Spanish Influenza pandemic in 1919.



Ms. Russell continues her forward momentum by Canada’s first nursing program to be completely university-based. The Department of Nursing is merged with the School of Hygiene at the University of Toronto, until in 1933, it becomes an independently recognized School of Nursing. In 1942 the three-year BScN degree evolved into a four-year program, the first of its kind in Canada, and both the School and Ms. Russel were lauded internationally for their progressive approach to learning, dubbed the “Toronto model of education,” as it came to be known. 

Also for 1928 -1942

Advancing Education

correct as is


The School of Nursing established a master’s program which led to faculty status at the University of Toronto in 1972

Also for 1970's


The PhD program in nursing science was created helping to build a foundation for nursing excellence in research.


Another first from the Faculty of Nursing is the creation of the Master of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner Program. This innovative and online master’s degree, helped to establish a major new opportunity for nurses as leaders through a range of practice roles for advanced practice nurses across Canada.

For 1991 first PhD

Early 2000’s

The demand for highly qualified nursing applicants continued to grow. The Faculty of Nursing decided to establish the first two-year second entry (or accelerated) Bachelor of Science in Nursing. This highly effective approach to nursing education is adopted at higher education institutions across the country.

For early 2000's

A Research Powerhouse

1980’s and 1990’s

The Faculty of Nursing earns a reputation as a research powerhouse attracting world-class researchers and scholars in health services and administration. Pursuing exploration and examination of key health issues through quantitative and qualitative research, the faculty’s researchers initiated clinical trials and care evaluations that continue to shape nursing practice and policy and contribute to improving health care outcomes for many populations.

Lawrence Bloomberg makes history


The Faculty of Nursing received a historic donation from financier and philanthropist, Lawrence Bloomberg – the largest ever given to a Canadian nursing school. In recognition of this visionary gift, the Faculty is renamed the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, the first named faculty of nursing in Canada

A New Chapter

2023 and beyond

The Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing launched a new brand identity This is Nursing in Action which exemplifies the Bloomberg Nursing community’s approach to nursing practice, education and research. Our students and faculty have expanded their scope of leadership and excellence to include the global health landscape and are fostering new and engaging ideas to promote equitable care and a socially just society. Our researchers continue to advance their scholarship, leading in areas of innovation for quality care across the lifespan, and we continue to look to the future of nursing with hope and inspiration for the changes that are to come

Directors and Deans

Edith Kathleen Russell


Director, Department of Public Health Nursing
School of Medicine

Edith Kathleen Russell


Director, Department of Public Health Nursing
School of Hygiene

Kathleen Russell


Director, School of Nursing
University of Toronto

Nettie Douglas Fidler


Director, School of Nursing
University of Toronto

Helen M. Carpenter


Director, School of Nursing
University of Toronto

M. Kathleen King


Dean and Professor,
Faculty of Nursing

Phyllis E. Jones


Dean and Professor,
Faculty of Nursing

Dorothy Pringle


Dean and Professor,
Faculty of Nursing

Gail Donner


Interim Dean and Professor,
Faculty of Nursing

Dyanne Affonso


Dean and Professor,
Faculty of Nursing

Diane Doran


Interim Dean and Professor, Faculty of Nursing

Sioban Nelson


Dean and Professor,
Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Linda McGillis Hall


Interim Dean and Professor,
Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Linda Johnston


Dean and Professor,
Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Robyn Stremler


Dean and Professor,
Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

2024 Provostial Review

Bloomberg Nursing is in the midst of the University of Toronto Quality Assurance (UTQAP) cyclical review process.

What is the UTQAP Cyclical Review?

Under the University of Toronto Quality Assurance Process (UTQAP), all units and their academic programs must be reviewed a minimum of every 7-8 years.

The UTQAP cyclical review provides an unparalleled opportunity to secure the expert advice of leaders in the field concerning academic and administrative issues; assess our performance against leading international programs; identify areas where we can do better and vigorously pursue improvements; secure guidance on key strategic directions; and celebrate successes.

The review is commissioned by the Vice-President and Provost and includes a self-study that addresses the review terms of reference and discusses the Faculty’s accomplishments, culture of excellence and progress in achieving our academic goals since our last Provostial review in 2017.

Self Study

The first phase of the cyclical review process involves conducting a self-study of Bloomberg Nursing.

External review

The second phase of the review involves a site visit by three external reviewers who meet with members of the Bloomberg Nursing community (faculty, staff, students, alumni, and leadership from clinical partners) to inform a final report and recommendations. Their report and recommendations will help guide decisions, strategic priorities, and goals for Bloomberg Nursing for the next 5-7 years.

External Reviewers

Alice Gaudine | Professor and Former Dean, Memorial University of Newfoundland & President, CASN

Valerie Howard | Dean, School of Nursing, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Brendan McCormack | Head and Dean, Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Sydney

If you would like to provide confidential feedback, we invite to visit the Vice Provost Academic Programs feedback webpage.

2017 Self- Study

2017-2022 Strategic Academic Plan

The Lawrence S Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing 2017-2022 Strategic Academic Plan, Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders Today is central to shaping our priorities and defining our path for the future. This plan provides a set of goals intended to facilitate the evolution of our Faculty, focus our priorities, and give us direction and inspiration to move forward as a leading institution.

In a complex and rapidly changing environment, our strategic plan will serve as a blueprint that will engage our faculty members and students, so that our scholars can continue their outstanding work in an environment that allows for, and encourages, them to thrive. As our Faculty evolves to meet the ever-increasing expectations of students, partners and society, our mission of being committed to international leadership in research, education and practice will be supported by our 5-year strategic academic plan. The development of this strategic plan would not have been possible without extensive engagement in the consultation process by our faculty, staff, students, and external stakeholders including our clinical partners, donors and alumni.

Welcome to the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

At the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, you’ll find cutting edge research exploring the relevant healthcare challenges of our time. As one of the world’s premier nursing programs, we continue to build on over a century of nursing excellence as we prepare students at the graduate and undergraduate level, to be exceptional nursing leaders in a complex and globally connected health care landscape.

As we continue to advocate for the communities and people who are under-served by our health care systems, you will find us at the forefront of research and education that makes a difference.

This is Nursing in Action.