The 2025-2026 Adjunct Appointment application cycle will be open between March 31 – May 2, 2025.


Information on Status and Adjunct Appointments at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

Academic appointments with the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing (LSBFON) are administered under the procedures of the Guideline for Appointment of Status-only, Adjunct and Visiting Professors of the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing. Status-only, adjunct, and visiting professor academic appointments may be awarded to individuals who hold their primary employment outside University of Toronto. They are normally non-salaried and non-continuing academic appointments and are given to individuals whose skill and expertise can advance the academic mission of the University and the LSBFON. All persons who apply for and are offered a Status-only or Adjunct academic appointment at the University of Toronto will be provided a letter of offer outlining duties and obligations, and the privileges that accompany the appointment.

Status-Only Academic Appointments

Individuals being considered for Status-only appointments normally hold full-time employment arrangements with another institution with a job description that is primarily academic (a position that formally includes components of research and/or teaching).  Most often, Status-only appointments may be granted to qualified employees of affiliated hospitals, research institutions, agencies with collaborative agreements with the University of Toronto or other universities.  Status-only appointments are ranked appointments as assistant, associate, or full professor. Normally PhD (or equivalent) educational preparation is required for Status-only appointments.

Adjunct Academic Appointments

There are two types of Adjunct faculty appointments: Lecturer and Professor. Adjunct academic appointments are awarded for a limited and specified term. Adjunct faculty appointments are not ranked. Normally, graduate educational preparation is required to hold an Adjunct academic appointment.

An Adjunct Lecturer appointment may be awarded to individuals who are employed elsewhere in positions that are not primarily academic in nature. Such individuals have special skills or learning of value to the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing and may provide services for which recognition is desirable. Individuals who are appointed within the LSBFON teaching programs or who contribute their skills or experience in supervising clinical placements are normally appointed as Adjunct Lecturers.

Adjunct Professor appointments are awarded to eminent professionals of recognized stature. The Adjunct Professor category of appointment is reserved for distinguished individuals of exemplary achievement with whom the LSBFON expects to have an on-going relationship.

Process for Appointment Application and Review

The Dean of the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing will invite selected Chief Nursing Executives (CNE) or their equivalent in health-care agencies to nominate qualified members of their staff to submit applications for an appointment. Other individuals may be invited directly by the Dean to apply for an appointment.

NB: We do not offer appointments to students currently registered in a University of Toronto program.

The Appointments Committee at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing will review all applications.

The applicant will be informed of the Committee recommendation via email.


Providing a Reference

The Faculty requires a reference for all applicants from the Chief Nursing Executive (CNE) or equivalent from the organization where the applicant is employed. We do not require a detailed reference letter. For both new and renewal applications, there are “tick-boxes” for “I support”, and “I do not support”. If you do not support we ask that you provide a brief rationale.

To provide a reference, please click the link in the email sent to your inbox. A step-by-step guide can be found here: How-to-provide-a-reference

We would ask that you complete any references by May 16, 2025 so that we can review the completed applications and files over the following few weeks.

Applying for an Appointment

If you are a Chief Nursing Executive applying for an appointment, please contact us at to determine the most suitable reference.

Before initiating the application, please take the time to review the:

Applications for appointments will only be accepted online through Laserfiche.

Applications for appointments are normally only accepted in the spring of each year. Applications in 2025 will be accepted between: March 31 – May 2, 2025.

Only complete applications that are received by May 2, 2025 will be reviewed. Please ensure when you have completed your application and that you click on “Submit”. Applications cannot be changed once submitted. Please be advised that your application will be reviewed upon receipt of your reference and following the closing date of May 2, 2025. 

See more information on the tabs above.

Appointment Acceptance

All applicants will be notified via email as to the status of their application.

If you are granted an appointment, please follow the link sent to your email to accept your appointment: How-to-accept-an-appointment-letter

New Applicants

Before initiating the application, please take the time to carefully review:

Applications for new appointments are normally only accepted in the spring of each year. Applications in 2025 will be accepted between: March 31 – May 2, 2025.

Only complete applications that are received by May 2, 2025 will be reviewed. Please ensure when you have completed your application that you click on “Submit”. Applications cannot be changed once submitted. Please be advised that your application will be reviewed upon receipt of your reference and following the closing date of May 2, 2025. 

For new applicants, the application documents required include:

  • A letter of intent from the applicant addressing their reasons for seeking an appointment; the letter should include information on how you would like to contribute to the academic mission of the faculty. Please also include any information on your current or recent engagement (e.g. precept students, assist in simulation lab, residency week participation etc.).
  • A current curriculum vitae; See attached guide on what to include in a curriculum vitae for an academic appointment.

In the application form select your CNE or equivalent who will be contacted to provide a reference. If you do not see your organization listed, please contact

This guide was developed to provide assistance with the application process:  How-to-Apply-for-an-Appointment.

Applicants are unable to make changes to the application once it has been submitted.

Appointment Acceptance

All applicants will be notified via email as to the status of their application.

If you are granted an appointment, please follow the link sent to your email to accept your appointment: How-to-accept-an-appointment-letter.

Renewal Applicants

Appointment Acceptance

We thank appointees for their ongoing engagement and their essential contributions to the success of our programs.

Candidates eligible for renewal will be invited to reapply between: March 31-May 2, 2025. Please be advised that your application will be reviewed upon receipt of your reference and following the closing date of May 2, 2025. 

Before initiating the application, please take the time to carefully review:

For renewal applicants, the application documents required include:

  • Click the link in the renewal notification email.
  • If the renewal notification email was not received, please select “Renewal” on the application form and type in the personal reference number. Your reference number can be found in the Application Received email from your previous submission, or by contacting:
  • Personal information will be auto populated once the reference number is added. Update personal information as needed.
  • A letter of intent. This must include documentation of your engagement in the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing during your most recent academic appointment period. This information is essential to evaluating your application for renewal of appointment.
  • A current curriculum vitae (updated in the current year); (see attached guide on what to include in a curriculum vitae) Please also include activities you have been involved with over the course of your appointment at the faculty.
  • Complete the Adjunct Appointments Renewal Activity Report. If this page is left blank, your application will not be considered.

In the application form select your CNE or equivalent who will be contacted to provide a reference. If you do not see your organization listed, please contact

This guide was developed to provide assistance with the application process:  How-to-Renew-an-Appointment

Applicants are unable to make changes to the application once it has been submitted.

Appointment Acceptance

All applicants will be notified via email as to the status of their application.

If you are granted an appointment, please follow the link sent to your email to accept your appointment: How-to-accept-an-appointment-letter

Appointment Privileges

Library Access

After accepting a new or a renewal appointment appointment, if you are requesting University of Toronto library access privileges, please send the request to for more information.

Please note, library privileges are revoked at the end of each appointment.

The Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing places a high value on privacy and we are committed to protecting your personal information. Personal information provided to us is not shared and is viewed only by University of Toronto staff on a need-to-know basis.  Please refer to additional information on the University of Toronto website regarding Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy.

If you have any questions please contact us.

Centre for Professional Development

Reduced rates on courses offered at the Centre for Professional Development.

Communication and Updates

Regular communication and updates of issues and events associated with the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing.


Laserfiche Application

No. Unlike with the LinkingHealthProfessionals system, you do not need to set up an account to submit an application.

When you apply through the Laserfiche form you will receive a personal reference number that will follow you though subsequent applications.

Please use the link provided in the renewal notification email or select “Renewal” on the application form and type in your personal reference number.

  • Your reference number can be found in the Application Received email from your previous submission, or by contacting:
  • Personal information will be auto populated once your reference number is added. Update your personal information as needed.
  • In your CV clearly indicate with an * all Faculty activities you participated in during your previous appointment.
  • Complete the Adjunct Appointments Renewal Activity Report. If this page is left blank, your application will not be considered.
  • Indicate types of activities, you participated in at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing during your previous appointment (Course Instructor, Clinical Instructor, Preceptor, Mentor, Course Development, Committee etc.).  Specify date/year of the activity, course code/name, etc.

No. Once submitted, an application cannot be changed.

Yes, select ‘Save as Draft’ and you will be emailed a link to complete your application.

Before Applying

The application cycle typically opens annually in the spring.

Typically, 1 year for first time appointees, 3 years for re-appointments/renewals. Appointments start on July 1 of the current year and typically end on June 30.

As an Adjunct Appointee you are expected to contribute to the academic mission of the Faculty of Nursing through teaching, preceptorship or mentorship. This contribution may range from direct instruction in a course; to activities related to the coordination and support of students in our program; and/or teaching in the Centre for Professional Development.

A letter of intent from the applicant addresses their reasons for seeking an appointment. The letter should include information on how you would like to contribute to the academic mission of the Faculty of Nursing. For renewal applicants also include activities you have been involved with over the course of your appointment at the faculty in your LOI and in your CV (e.g., precept students, assist in simulation lab, residency week participation, etc).

Please refer to our CV guide for details on what to include.

While certain activities may require you to have a graduate degree, you do not need one to have a successful application. The Appointments Committee looks for a combination of education and work experience.

You must be employed in order to apply for an adjunct appointment.

No. Anyone who is a temporary employee of an organization, or on contract, will not be given an appointment.

Yes. We have had appointees from detention centres, smaller clinics, etc.

Yes, though a successful application will depend on your particular background and the needs of the Faculty.

There are few research opportunities for Adjuncts at this time.

Current Appointees

Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto

Please follow the steps outlined in the Appointment Privileges tab.

Adjunct appointments are voluntary. We ask for your SIN for a couple of reasons. First, this provides a unique piece of information about you when we create your profile in our HR system. When updating your HR profile our administrators will always be able to correctly identify you with this information. This also allows our administrators to set up your HR profile so that it can be ready in case you are ever hired in some way by the university.

Your appointment ends when you change employers because your referee can no longer provide a reference on your current experience.

No. We understand people change employers for various reasons.

You no longer need to submit an Annual Activity Profile. This has been replaced by the Adjunct Appointment Renewal Activity Report found on the renewal application form.

It does happen that an individual will not be able to participate in activities with the Faculty. This can range from lack of opportunity to the individual being on a leave from their workplace. Please include this information in your LOI and your CV. This will allow us to understand how our adjunct appointees interact with the Faculty.

We understand leaves are taken for many different reasons and this will not negatively impact being re-appointed.

For more information please see Clinical Instructor Positions

No. Cross-appointments are not the same as adjunct appointments. Cross appointments (budgetary and non-budgetary) are typically held by full-time salaried academic faculty.

Normally an individual holds only one adjunct appointment at the University of Toronto.

Your adjunct appointment with the Faculty of Nursing allows you to be involved in academic activities with other Faculties.

It is up to you to decide where you want your one adjunct appointment to reside. If you decide to keep it in Nursing, you can still be involved in academic activities in other faculties. Should you wish to pursue an appointment with another faculty, please let us know and we will end your appointment with Nursing.