Rosenstadt Doctoral Dissertation Support

Bloomberg Nursing provides a biannual funding opportunity designed to assist eligible PhD students through the Rosenstadt Doctoral Dissertation program. This program supports research undertaken as part of the academic program to qualify for a Doctor of Philosophy (Nursing) at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing. The dissertation award supports some of the data collection costs for students in good standing in the program, who are making timely progress towards their degrees. Students may receive only one dissertation grant throughout their program.

Application Requirements

Funding Available: Each award is valued at $1,000. The number of awards per competition may vary. There is generally a competition in the fall and the spring.


PhD students may apply for this award provided:

  • They are registered in the PhD degree program at Bloomberg Nursing
  • They are in good standing in that program
  • They have completed all course requirements for the degree
  • They have successfully defended the dissertation proposal
  • They are at the data collection phase of the dissertation
  • They are no higher than year 4 of the program
  • They have not received any other funding to support these specific dissertation activities – including the SGS Doctoral Completion Award (or other awards with a dedicated research allowance)
  • They have submitted a Research Ethics Board (REB) application for their study

Application Review Process

All applications will be reviewed by the Bloomberg Nursing Research Committee.


Applications will be evaluated on financial need and merit.

  • Need: Including but not limited to, the statement of need, clarity and appropriateness of the budget and its justification, supervisor’s comments on the budget, and statement of all funding received/applied for (including scholarships, funding package, and other awards)
  • Merit: Accomplishments during the PhD, including publications, presentations and awards (submitted and/or granted), supervisor recommendation, contribution to faculty, professional activities, other contributions; and clarity of the proposal

Application Procedure

PhD students wishing to apply should submit one copy of the following materials:

  • Application form:
    • Cover page
    • Research abstract (3500 characters with spaces)
    • Rationale describing the student’s needs for funding (one page maximum)
    • A detailed budget for expenses (one page maximum; use the table provided in the application form as a template)
    • A detailed statement of funding received and applied for from other sources (one page maximum; use the table provided in the application form as a template)
    • A statement from the student’s supervisor, addressing: the significance of the project (scholarship), academic progress to date (thesis and/or course work, awards applied for/received), productivity, financial need, and exceptional circumstances (one page maximum)
  • Current CV
  • Record of Grades (ACORN or QUERCUS screenshot acceptable – do not use official transcripts)
  • REB approval or proof of REB submission (e.g., screenshot from MRHP of submitted folder or status history)

Eligible Expenses:

  • Photocopying
  • Postage
  • Travel or parking related to study data collection
  • Incidental dissertation research expenses – small equipment, recorders, software, transcription, data entry, software licenses, participant compensation
  • Licensing fees for questionnaires

Note: NVivo licenses, REDCap and Covidence are available at no cost to registered students.

Ineligible Expenses

  • Travel to conferences and meetings
  • Knowledge dissemination costs
  • Personnel costs are not normally covered by this award

Note: Doctoral students are entitled to statistical consultation with the faculty research data analyst

Grant Administration Process:

The doctoral research dissertation grants program will be administered through the Office of Research & External Relations, LSBFON, using the grant administration guidelines of the federal granting agencies in Canada.

For more information, please contact

Important Dates

Application deadline: Monday, November 11, 2024.

External doctoral student funding opportunities

If you belong to any professional association or are employed at a hospital, check their sites for funds available.

PhD students cannot hold funds as an independent researcher at the University – work with your supervisor to identify appropriate opportunities and when your supervisor or committee members should be included as co-principal investigator(s)

Always contact the Research Office ( to find out about administrative requirements.

Please note: application deadlines and funds available may vary year to year. PhD students may also take advantage of our statistical consulting service and other supports, including budget, grant planning, editing, and CV.