Student Forms
Academic Forms
Tests and Exams
Declaration of Confidentiality
PhD Program Forms and Guidelines
Record of the PhD/DN Proposal Examination
Record of PhD Supervisory Committee Meeting
PhD Milestones Progress Sheet
Literature Review Paper Guidelines
PhD Thesis Proposal Guidelines
PhD Thesis guidelines
Doctor of Nursing Program Forms and Guidelines
Record of DN Supervisory Committee
DN Milestones Progress Sheet
Record of the DN Proposal Examination
DN Literature Review Guidelines
DN Thesis Proposal Guidelines
DN Thesis Guidelines
DN Internship Guidelines
Clinical Placement Forms
Health and Safety Forms for Students on Placements
Students on Unpaid Work Placements Accident Report
Clinical Incident Reporting Form
Post-secondary Student Unpaid Work Placement Insurance Claim
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Letter of Authorization to Represent Employer
WSIB Responsibility Matrix
Work Place Safety Student Declaration
Library Services
Nursing eResources – Gerstein Science Information Centre
The Gerstein Science Information Centre is the largest science and health science academic library in Canada. It has a print collection of over 1 million volumes of journals and books. The library also provides access to over 100,000 online journals and books. The Nursing e-Resources Guide consists of selected resources that are licensed by the University of Toronto Libraries or are freely available on the web. Its aim is to provide easy access to resources that complement the nursing curriculum.
Contact our library liaison for more information on services available to nursing students:
Writing Resources
APA Writing Guidelines
Health Sciences Writing Centre
The Health Sciences Writing Centre is a tutoring facility open to all nursing students. They offer free, 45-minute sessions (longer sessions available for grad students) with experienced writing instructors. You may bring in writing assignments at any stage, and they will help you develop your capacity to plan, research, organize, write and revise your papers. They also offer workshops on a wide variety of academic skills of specific interest to nursing students and work with students whose first language is not English. Visit the website to make an appointment online (UTORid required).
English Language Writing Support
Housed in 63 St. George Street, within the School of Graduate Studies, English Language Writing Support (ELWS) provides graduate students with advanced training in academic writing and speaking. As you prepare to attend your first conference, to write your first proposal, or to publish your first paper, you will need stronger communication skills than those needed in undergraduate work. By emphasizing professional development rather than remediation, ELWS can help you cultivate the ability to diagnose and address the weaknesses in your oral and written work.
How Not to Plagiarise
You’ve already heard the warnings about plagiarism. It is against the academic rules to buy essays or copy from your friend’s homework, and it’s also plagiarism to borrow passages from books or articles or websites without identifying them. The purpose of any paper is to show your own thinking, and not create a patchwork of borrowed ideas. But you may still be wondering how you’re supposed to give proper references to all the reading you’ve done and all the ideas you’ve encountered. Download “How Not to Plagiarize” (PDF).
Role of Turnitin to Support Academic Integrity
Turnitin is the leading academic plagiarism detector, utilized by teachers and students to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity. This internet-based, plagiarism-prevention service checks for potential unoriginal content by comparing submitted papers to several databases using a proprietary algorithm.
Student Service Requests
Confirmation letters
Confirmation of registration letter, BScN:
Confirmation of degree requirements, BScN:
Completion confirmation letter of specific courses and/or curricular content, MN:
Note there is an $8 fee per request
Licensure verification, Course outlines & Courier Delivery
Licensure forms and documentation for BScN degree:
Note there is an $50 fee per request
Licensure forms and documentation for MN degree
Note there is an $25 fee per request
Copies of course outlines
Note there is an $20 fee per request
Courier delivery
Replacement items
Replacement ID Badge
Note there is an $12 fee per replacement badge
Faculty logo crest
Note there is an $10 fee per request
Re-read of a final examination
Re-read of a final examination
Note there is an $36 fee per request
International Visiting Graduate Student Administration Fee
Requesting a Leave (BScN students only)
Leave of Absence Form
Graduate students must visit SGS’s website here: Leave of Absence Policy – School of Graduate Studies