2020-2022 Research Report
Previous Reports
By The Numbers
# 9 Research Chairs
# 4 in the world for H-Index Citations (QS Rankings 2023)
#1 in Canada for H-Index Citations (QS Rankings 2023)
21 Fellows, American Academy of Nursing
11 Fellows Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
10 Fellows Canadian Academy of Nursing
Major International Awards
Marcé Medal, International Marcé Society, Cindy-Lee Dennis, 2018
Professor Cindy-Lee Dennis was awarded the prestigious international Marcé Medal in recognition of contributions as a research leader in the areas of improving breastfeeding outcomes; detecting, preventing and treating perinatal depression and anxiety; examining the health of immigrant mothers and infants, and developing postpartum interventions that include fathers. The International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health has chapters around the world that aim to support and assist in prenatal and postpartum mental health for mothers, fathers and their babies. The distinguished Marcé Medal is awarded every two years to an eminent person who has made an extraordinary contribution to expert knowledge in the field of perinatal mental health through research, clinical practice, teaching and mentorship.
Paul Calabresi Award – International Society of Geriatric Oncology, Martine Puts, 2018
Professor Martine Puts was awarded the prestigious Paul Calabresi Award for her work that seeks to improve the health and well-being of older adults with cancer. The Paul Calabresi Award is awarded by the International Society of Geriatric Oncology in recognition of a prominent world expert in the field of geriatric oncology.
American Psychological Association / National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Gwendolyn Puryear Keita Award in Social Justice and Welfare of Working People – Carles Muntaner, 2019
Professor Carles Muntaner was awarded the 2019 Gwendolyn Puryear Keita Award in Social Justice and Welfare of Working People from the American Psychological Association (APA)/National Institute on Occupational Safety and Health(NIOSH). Dr. Muntaner received this award in honour of his outstanding contributions in psychology, occupational health, and allied fields to social justice and the welfare of working people.
Major National Awards
3 Recipients, Canadian Nurses Association Jeanne Mance Award
The biennial Jeanne Mance Award was instituted by the Canadian Nurses Association in 1971 to honour a nurse or nurses who have made significant and innovative contributions to the health of Canadians. Our recipients from Bloomberg Nursing have contributed to improvements in nursing leadership and education, as well as nursing human resources.
3 Recipients, Canadian Nurses Association Order of Merit for Nursing Research
Inaugurated in 2008, the CNA Order of Merit awards honour excellence in clinical nursing practice, nursing administration, nursing research, and nursing policy. The awards honour nurses who have had a significant and sustained impact on the nursing profession and the practice of nursing in Canada.
2022-2024 Research Funding Sources