Alison Thomas, RN(EC), MN, CNeph(C)
Nurse Practitioner, Hemodialysis, St. Michael’s Hospital/Unity Health Toronto
Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
Alison Thomas RN(EC), MN, CNeph(C)
Nurse Practitioner, Hemodialysis, St. Michael’s Hospital/Unity Health Toronto
Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Enterostomal Therapy Nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto
Julie Tjan Thomas RN MN CETN(C)
Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Enterostomal Therapy Nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto
Julie is practicing as an Enterostomal Therapy Nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto. She attained an Enterostomal Therapy certificate from the Cleveland Clinic’s R.B. Turnbull, Jr., M.D. School of […]

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Director, Undergraduate Program

Heather Thomson RN, MN, PhD
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Director, Undergraduate Program
Promoting the delivery of high quality care through education and leadership Dr. Heather Thomson is an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream and the Director of the Undergraduate Program. She has over […]

Accepting Students
Assistant Professor, Tenure Stream
RBC Chair in Cardiovascular Research at UHN

Tieghan Killackey Rn, PhD, CCN(c)
Assistant Professor, Tenure Stream
RBC Chair in Cardiovascular Research at UHN
Tieghan Killackey is an Assistant Professor in the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing. She holds the RBC Chair in Cardiovascular Nursing Research at the University Health Network and the University […]
Dietician, Heart, Lung and Vascular Program, St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health
Anthea Tonelli BASc, RD, CNSC
Dietician, Heart, Lung and Vascular Program, St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health

Professor Emerita

Ann Tourangeau RN, PhD
Professor Emerita
If we know what (and how) nursing structures and care process affect a healthcare outcome, we can manage these factors to improve healthcare outcomes. Professor Ann Tourangeau is a Professor […]

Karin Trajcevski
Strategic Research Development Officer

Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream,
Coordinator, Nurse Practitioner Field of Study (MN Program)

Katherine Trip
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream,
Coordinator, Nurse Practitioner Field of Study (MN Program)
Katherine’s primary research interests include patient safety and education. Katherine Trip joined the University of Toronto Faculty of Nursing with broad clinical and leadership experience. She has worked in settings […]
Staff Hematologist, St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
Eric Tseng MD, MScCH, FRCPC
Staff Hematologist, St. Michael’s Hospital, Unity Health
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto
Course Instructor, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
Dawn Tymianski NP-Adult, MN, MA, PhD, CNN(C)
Course Instructor, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto