The week of May 11 marked National Nursing Week, and celebrations were held all across the country to mark the dedication and hard work of Canadian nurses. Nursing Week always falls during the week that marks the birthday of Florence Nightingale.
At Bloomberg Nursing, we celebrated Nursing Week this year with a reception, research poster presentations, a book signing and panel presentation. Students and faculty researchers presented posters of their latest research, sharing the ground-breaking work that is being done at all levels of education. Sioban Nelson, vice-provost-academic, and former dean of Bloomberg Nursing was joined by Maria Tassone, Director, Centre for Interprofessional Education at U of T to sign copies of their new book, Creating the Health Care Team of the Future: The Toronto Model of Interprofessional Education and Care. Finally, attendees were ushered in to the 6th floor auditorium to hear a panel discussion on “Interprofessional Education and Collaboration in Practice: The Toronto Experience – Realities and Opportunities: Advancing Interprofessional Education and Practice Collaboration” hosted by Linda McGillis Hall, Interim Dean.
Book authors Sioban Nelson and Maria Tassone were joined by Bonnie Fleming-Carroll from the Hospital for Sick Children and Tracy Kitch from Mount Sinai Hospital to lead a lively discussion as students, recent graduates and alumni engaged with insightful questions for the panelists. “The level of critical debate and discussion at the talk was exciting,” says McGillis Hall. “These students and graduates were connecting with the panelists, applying their own experiences to what was being discussed and engaging in meaningful dialogue. These are the voices of the nurse leaders of the future – a success we are proud to celebrate at Bloomberg Nursing.”