Faculty and graduate students at Bloomberg Nursing commit themselves to first-class research and strong advances in the field of nursing. The 2011-2012 Research Report showcases the rich accomplishments of these individuals.
A detailed look into these important contributions to health care is broken down into a number of different sections. Individual profiles include Dr. Jan Angus studying health care access, Dr. Linda McGillis Hall asking critical questions about nurse migration and PhD candidate Kathleen Leslie taking an in-depth look at the Health Professions Act. A growing list of celebrated International Professorships, with the likes of Rev. Tom Keighley in the ranks, and International Postdoctoral Fellowships held by Hans-Peter de Ruiter for 2011-2012, is also included, along with Bloomberg Nursing’s impressive list of Research Chairs.
Read more of these sections, and the report as a whole here to discover the research success of 2011-2012 as Bloomberg Nursing works towards an even stronger 2012-2013 year.