Research articles most frequently accessed from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) nursing journals make the list of the top six ‘hot topics’ being read by nurses, and are made available as free downloads for readers. This leading international publisher of professional health information for physicians, nurses, specialized clinicians and students recognized the interest nurses generated by Dr. Linda McGillis Hall’s recent article in the Journal of Nursing Care Quality and placed it in the coveted ranking.
The article, Changes in Patient Health Outcomes from Admission to Discharge in Acute Care, explores the relationships between nursing interventions and patient health outcomes utilizing data from the Health Outcomes for Better Information and Care (HOBIC) database. The results from this study show that standardized health outcome indicators offer a mechanism for evaluating both the effectiveness and quality of care provided in health care settings. For health care administrators, this provides an effective and efficient tool to demonstrate quality of patient care.