Hand-picked by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, Dr. Michael McGillion is now a member of an elite group of 30 identified thought-leaders. These experts in the cardiovascular sciences have been invited to provide guidance and leadership as part of the new pan-Canadian Council on Mission: Priorities, Advice Science and Strategy (CoMPASS).
As a founding member of this national council, Dr. McGillion will lend his expertise on persistent, painful and difficult-to- treat cardiac conditions as part of this Canada-wide strategy.
“Canadians are living longer with coronary artery disease and in many cases that also means living with debilitating, persistent cardiac pain,” said Dr. McGillion. ”It’s an honour to be selected amongst Canadian leaders and to have the opportunity to formally represent the interests of those living with persistent forms of cardiac pain.”
The Heart and Stroke Foundation conducted a Canada-wide search to identify 125 highly-qualified candidates across disciplines including cardiovascular research, health policy, advocacy, business and community development. Dr. McGillion’s widely recognized work on chronic cardiac pain and on creating Canada’s first guidelines for the management of refractory angina (RFA) showed his commitment to improving the health of Canadians and made him a natural candidate.
CoMPASS will have its inaugural meeting in February, 2013 and constitute the most senior advisory panel to the Board of Directors, through the President and Chief Executive Officer. The ultimate goal is to improve the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health of Canadians and achieve the mission of “healthy lives, free of heart disease and stroke.”