Waving proudly on College St., McCaul St. and University Ave, the banner phase of the Boundless Promise campaign has taken over the streets around Bloomberg Nursing. These banners celebrate 13 bold and visionary leaders of nursing who are all Faculty of Nursing alumni, and who have influenced policy, procedure and practice in their fields.
Until spring 2013, those walking along in the area, be it the general public, students or nursing professionals, will see the work and impact Bloomberg Nursing professors and alumni have had at the provincial, federal and global level.
Take a moment to look up and learn more about:
Angela Cooper-Brathwaite
Betty Burcher
Bonnie Stevens
Cindy-Lee Dennis
Ellen Hodnett
Jiao Jiang
Joy Richards
Judy Watt-Watson
Karima Velji
Lawrence Bloomberg
Lillie Johnson
Linda McGillis Hall
Michael McGillion