(l to r: Terry Yuen, Barry St. Denis, Fareed Teja, Yashar Bashiri Moghadam)
Bloomberg Nursing rarely slows down and there are many who keep the Faculty running smoothly on a daily basis. In recognition of this commitment to student and Faculty excellence, the inaugural staff awards were handed out in four categories. Nominated by fellow staff members and faculty, the Staff Awards Selection Committee managed the process and selected the following recipients:
Recognized as an excellent Faculty citizen who has served with distinction and made long-term contributions to the Faculty’s mission above and beyond his job description, the Faculty Citizen Award was presented to Administrative Information & Communication Technologist, Barry St. Denis. Having impacted the Faculty by showing initiative to improve processes to better serve the Faculty’s and the University’s mission, Fareed Teja the Academic Information & Communication Technologist at Bloomberg Nursing was presented the Emerging Leader Award. Rising Star Award recipient, Technology Support Analyst Yashar Bashiri Moghadam was recognized for his “above and beyond” dedication and ongoing commitment to the Faculty and the University through outstanding service outside his job requirements. Always responsive to the needs of students,NP (Nurse Practitioner) Program Assistant Terry Yuen received the Quality of Student Experience Award for his work.
Congratulations to the 2013 recipients.
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