Get Ready to Apply
Review admission requirements and make sure you have your required documents such as transcripts ready to be submitted.
Application Deadlines (all fields)
Applications Open: November 1
Early deadline to be considered for Bloomberg Nursing admission awards: January 15
Final application deadline: April 30
Step 1: Complete School of Graduate Studies (SGS) Online Admissions Application
- Create an Account to begin your application. You will receive a verification code via email. Enter your verification code and create a password.
- Pay the mandatory application fee through the applicant status portal immediately after submitting your application. Your application will not be processed until the application fee is received.
- Upload required documents including unofficial transcripts, statements of intent, and more, through your applicant status portal.
- Enter information for referees. Referees will automatically receive a notification email that they have been requested to complete a reference for your application, along with instructions to submit their reference letter in the application system. If you need to change your referees, please contact (Subject line: Change referees for new applicant). Please provide your first and last name and U of T applicant number.
- You may send an email reminder to existingreferees through your applicant portal after submitting your application.
- You may view your application status, including outstanding requirements, by logging in to your account and selecting view applicant status portal.
Prepare Required Documents
Letter of Intent
For Applicants to the Clinical Field and Health Systems Leadership and Administration (HSLA) Field:
- Describe your short and long-term career objectives and how they will be advanced by the MN degree. Word limit: 300
- Outline any student, professional, or leadership contributions. Word limit: 300
Applicants to the Nurse Practitioner Field:
- Describe how your previous health studies, and your professional and clinical leadership experiences have led you to pursue the NP program. Word limit: 200
- Describe your short and long-term career objectives and how they will be advanced by the Nurse Practitioner program. Word limit: 200
- Outline what you hope to gain from your clinical placements. Word limit: 200
Curriculum Vitae
You will be asked to upload your Curriculum Vitae (CV) to the online application. Use the categories listed below to help develop your CV. If a particular heading does not apply, you may leave it out.
- Academic education (post-secondary degrees, diplomas, certificates)
- Continuing education (including workshops, professional development)
- Awards and honours (e.g., practice awards from employing organization, bursaries, scholarships)
- Professional employment (Please note whether roles were full-time, part-time, or casual)
- Relevant presentations / publications / research
- Current membership in professional organizations
- Committees (e.g., work-related, professional)
- Clinical / administrative / practice innovations (please provide brief descriptions or examples)
- Membership in research-oriented organizations (please specify role)
- Relevant volunteer activities
Field of Study
Select your field of study:
Health Systems Leadership and Administration
Clinical Nursing
Nurse Practitioner
Two Letters of Reference
Letters of Reference are submitted electronically through the SGS online application. You will need to provide the referees’ email addresses in your application. Please communicate with your referees in advance to confirm their contact information. After you pay the application fee, your referees are contacted by email to complete and submit an online reference.
1. Academic Reference.
Ideally your academic reference will come from a professor/lecturer who taught you and graded your written work during your previous degree and who can speak to your academic abilities. A preceptor or clinical instructor is not an appropriate academic reference.
If you are unable to obtain an academic reference from a previous professor, you can provide a reference from someone who has taught you in a continuing education course.
2. Manager/Supervisor Reference
Ideally your reference will come from your manager or a direct supervisor who is familiar with your practice and professional accomplishments (e.g., leadership, contribution to nursing, involvement in professional organizations).
A colleague is not an appropriate professional reference.
If you are unable to obtain a professional reference from a manager, you can provide a reference from someone who is familiar with your clinical practice such as a Clinical Educator.
Note: SGS provides the option to select from Recommenders from Academic, Employer, and Professional. Bloomberg Nursing requires 1 Academic reference and 1 Manager/Supervisor reference. Applicants can select “Employer” or “Professional” reference to satisfy the Manager/Supervisor Reference.
Completion of Clinical Hours (NP & HSLA applicants only)
Applicants to the NP & HSLA program must complete a minimum of 3,900 clinical hours in a clinical practice environment as an RN by August 15, prior to beginning the program in September. As part of your application, you will complete a form indicating when and where you completed (or will complete) your clinical hours.
Considerations Related to Clinical Experience Pre NP-Application:
The Canadian Council for Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR) has endorsed a new model for NP regulation and implementation of this plan is in progress.
Given these regulatory changes, we anticipate that all successful applicants to the Fall 2024 intake of the Nurse Practitioner and Post-Master’s Nurse Practitioner programs will be entering a single emphasis Nurse Practitioner program. The single emphasis program will prepare students to provide care to clients and patients of all ages. This change is planned in anticipation of the new NP entry-to-practice registration exam that is scheduled to take effect in 2026. (Changes to admissions for Fall 2024 program entry will not impact current NP students.)
Within the single emphasis program, strong preference is given to candidates with RN experience in a direct clinical practice setting with a strong clinical foundation. Some candidates will have varied experiences with clients of all ages, which would strengthen their application, however, good clinicians with only very focused experience with a particular population or setting will also be competitive. We are looking for strong clinicians!
Licensure Information
You will be asked to enter your registering body, registration category, registration status and ability to practice with or without restrictions in the SGS admission application.
Electronic or Scanned Transcript
You will be asked to submit both an electronic copy of your transcript and an official transcript (paper copy by mail or electronic copy) to
Upload one electronic or scanned transcript from each post secondary institution you have attended. Scanned copies of transcripts must be up to date and must include the transcript “legend,” which is usually printed on the back of the paper transcript.
Technical Requirements
- Please scan your transcript in grayscale at the lowest dots per inch (dpi) setting that results in a legible document. We recommend 72 dpi whenever possible.
- The file must be in PDF format. Image files, such as those in .jpg or .bmp formats, must be converted to PDF before uploading.
- The file size of each scanned transcript file to be uploaded must not exceed 3 MB.
- If your transcript is double-sided, please be sure to scan the front and back of each page.
- The transcript legend (usually printed on the back of a paper transcript) must appear at least once for every scanned transcript submitted.
- Scanned documents must be clearly legible and print on standard CDN/US 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper.
- Do not upload a document that is password-protected or that contains macros.
- University of Toronto students may submit a screen capture of their academic history from the Student Web Services page of ACORN in place of a transcript. However, if you have attended multiple institutions, the other universities’ transcripts (with legend) must still be included in the file in chronological order.
Official Transcript(s)
In addition to uploading a copy of your transcript, you should also order your official transcript(s) from each university you have attended. Transcripts must be received by the Faculty of Nursing in an official envelope that is sealed and signed by the issuing institution across the seal OR by email directly from the issuing.
For University of Toronto transcripts, applicants may submit an ACORN print-out of grades rather than an official University of Toronto transcript.
English Proficiency Test Results
International applicants must submit a copy of their English proficiency test scores. Applications with unsatisfactory test scores will not be assessed. This requirement should be met at the time you submit your application.
Award Application
Admission awards for Master of Nursing students are available. To be considered for Bloomberg MN Admission Awards, applicants must submit both of the following applications by January 15, 2024:
- the SGS online admission application
- the Bloomberg Nursing award application