Health Inc. Seminar Series
Acting on commercial determinants of health in sub-Saharan Africa

Featuring Dr Rene Loewenson FRSPH is a Zimbabwean epidemiologist, public health practitioner and Director of the Training and Research Support Centre
October 10 | 12 PM – 1 PM EST | Online (register to obtain link)
Global private actors and interests have key influence on health in sub-Saharan Africa, given corporate roles in colonial and post-colonial systems, and the current impact of global rule systems, including on policy latitude and local power to address issues in the continent. Commercial actors operating in sub-Saharan Africa increase their own power through advancing ideas, narratives and discursive power, using mechanisms of agential power and taking advantage of the structural power of free markets and for profit commerce being viewed as essential for wellbeing. Sub-Saharan Africa actors are however challenging narratives that weaken public health and building their own discursive power, engaging on agential power, including in taking visible public health action in areas that matter to the public, and engaging at the level of the structural power, such as in harmonising regional standards, protecting smallholder food producers; or engaging on the TRIPS Waiver. The diversity and expansion of commercial impacts found in sub-Saharan Africa suggest that piecemeal interventions on the commercial determinants of health, while necessary, may be insufficient to address the scale of threat or the loss of potential opportunity in this area. This presentation and discussion explore actions and platforms that may be critical for ensuring public interest voice on policies that better support synergies between social, ecological, and economic wellbeing.
Recommended reading:
Loewenson R, Godt S, Chanda-Kapata P. (2022). Asserting public health interest in acting on commercial determinants of health in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from a discourse analysis
BMJ Global Health, 7:e009271. Available at: b