Profile of Monica Parry

Bloomberg Nursing Rounds Monica Parry

  • Mar 4

Registration Now Open

Artificial Intelligence and Conversational Chatbots for Cardiovascular Health: Risks or Reality?

Monday March 4, 2024 | 12 PM – 1 PM | In-person Rm HS 270 or online via Zoom

Monica Parry is a Professor in the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing and a Nurse Practitioner with over 35 years of cardiovascular (CV) clinical experience at Kingston Health Sciences Centre. Her clinical expertise has laid the foundation for a nationally and internationally recognized research program to reduce the global burden of CV disease in women by 2030; with a focus on four of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030): #5-Gender Equality, #10-Reduced Inequalities, #3-Good Health and Well-Being, and #17-Partnerships for the Goals. She is a member of the Global Cardiovascular Nursing Leadership Forum, the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre, Co-PI of the Health Research Training Platform in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism (myROaD); and a Co-I with the CANadian Consortium of Clinical Trial TRAINing platform (CANTRAIN).