Bloomberg Nursing Rounds Kathy McGilton

  • Feb 13

Registration Now Open

Nurse Practitioners Making a Difference in Long-term Care Homes

Featuring Dr. Kathy McGilton

February 13, 2023 | 12 PM  – 1 PM | HS 270 or online via Zoom


Zoom  link:

Dr. Katherine S. McGilton is a Senior Scientist at KITE Research Institute: Toronto Rehabilitation Institute-University Health Network and a Professor at the Lawrence Bloomberg, Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto.  Her research focuses on improving the lives of older adults in facility based settings while also studying the staff and the contextual factors that influence their care. Her work has led to innovations in models of care and positive outcomes for older adults, care partners and staff. Dr McGilton has taken on many leadership roles within Canada and Internationally with the end goal of influencing practice and policy development.  She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing, the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, and the Canadian Academy of Nursing.