Black Futures Month Healthcare Webinar Series – Angela Cooper-Brathwaite
Dr. Angela Cooper Brathwaite, RN, DN, MN, Phd
Dr. Angela Cooper Brathwaite is the Immediate Past President of RNAO, Co-Chair or RNAO’s Anti-Black Racism Task Force and Adjunct Professor at Ontario Technology University (OUT). She holds a PhD in Nursing from the University of Toronto and a Master of Nursing from the University of Manitoba. She has extensive experience in leadership, nursing administration, nursing education, policy advocacy, health care systems and cultural competence. She has held Executive leadership positions in primary care, acute care and public health settings, taught undergraduate and graduate nursing students at OTU and the University of Toronto.
Angela has received numerous academic and service awards and was the recipient of the Registered Nurses of Ontario (RNAO) 2013 Leadership Award in Political Action, 2011 Leadership Award in Nursing Administration and 2015 Award of Merit. She also received the University of Toronto Distinguish Alumnus Award in 2007 and Ontario Public Health Association Award of Excellence for leadership in Public Health (2010). She has published numerous peer-reviewed papers in professional journals. Her areas of research are chronic disease focusing on the prevention of type 2 diabetes and culturally tailored intervention research.