Becoming a Teaching Assistant
at Bloomberg Nursing

Bloomberg Nursing invites graduate students to apply for teaching positions at the Faculty. Year 1 and continuing PhD students will have TA hours assigned to them and counted towards their funding packages. Year 1 MN students can apply for TA positions upon receipt of their offer of admission.

Serving as a TA at the University of Toronto comes with the responsibility of contributing to an enriching academic experience for Bloomberg Nursing students.

Teaching Assistant duties may involve:


Only PhD students are eligible for positions with graduate courses. TAs for Nurse Practitioner courses should be RNs (Extended Class). PhD and Masters students may apply for positions with undergraduate courses.

Please note that some courses will require TAs to attend in-class sessions.

The terms and conditions of the employment are defined in the Collective Agreement between the Canadian Union Public Employees (CUPE  Local 3902, Unit 1) and the Governing Council of the University of Toronto.

You must be legally entitled to work in Canada and be enrolled in a graduate program at the University of Toronto (Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing students preferred) during the work period in order to be considered for a TA position.

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from visible minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

How to Apply

Available TA positions can be viewed on the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 posting site.

To apply for available TA positions within Bloomberg Nursing, please complete and submit the following application Form.

Hiring and Timelines

Successful applicant positions commencing in a new academic year will receive a written Notice of Appointment by the beginning of the fall term.

UofT graduate students will be paid the CUPE 3902 Unit 1 rate.

As a graduate student, you will be a member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 3902. Unit 1 bargaining unit (SGSI for MN students, SGSII for PhD students). Your employment will be governed by the terms and conditions of the collective agreement between the University of Toronto and CUPE Local 3902.