Clinical Leadership Long-Term Care 2 Managing Quality Care and Operations
This 8-week online course focuses on the practical application of theory and evidence that enables clinical leaders to effectively manage resident care and day-to-day operational needs within the Long-Term Care (LTC) context. Designed to provide front-line nurses working in LTC or similar practice environments, with the foundational knowledge and skills required by clinical leaders.
Content for this course includes:
- Development of an understanding of how quality care data informs care & care planning
- Exploration of how to manage resident & operational needs during key transition periods (e.g. admission, transfers in & out of acute care, end of life care)
- Opportunity to refresh knowledge on & apply clinical best practices for LTC, including emergency situations
- Examination of the clinical leader role in resource (staffing & supply) management strategies to best support care
This is the second of three online courses approved as one component of a Certificate in Point-of-Care Clinical Leadership in Long Term Care for participants successfully completing all three courses within a three-year period.
This course has been designed for point of care/front-line nurses (RNs & RPNs) working in Long-Term Care facilities and similar practice environments, who may be assigned to clinical leadership roles such as “charge nurse”, “team lead”, or “shift leader” on either an occasional or frequent basis.
Bloomberg Centre for Professional Development’s Strategic Alliance with the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL).
The Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL) and the Bloomberg Centre for Professional Development (CPD) have a Strategic Alliance partnership. The alliance allows Bloomberg CPD to use the LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework & Leadership Self-Assessment, throughout the Leadership & Management and Clinical Leadership in Long-Term Care certificate programs.
The alliance also provides certificate participants with the opportunity to become a member of CCHL at the reduced College student rate, and to receive advanced standing (reduced cost & requirements, 7 post CHE completion credits, and exemption from experience requirements) when applying to become a Certified Health Executive (CHE) through CCHL.
See FAQ’s for more details on:
Course Outline
This course is a 8-week course delivered through the University of Toronto’s learning management system (Quercus). It is primarily self-paced, however participants are required to engage in discussions and submit activities/assignments within identified timelines (usually weekly). It is estimated that participants need to allocate ~8 hours per week to complete the required components of the course.
In each of the 8 weeks,
participants are expected to:
- View an e-learning module
- Read required readings (~2)
- Participate in the learning activity/assignments
For this course, the learning activities / assignments include:
- On-line discussion activities which provide opportunity for participants to learn from the varied experiences, roles, and perspectives of others
- Three LIVE (via Zoom) session will take place for faculty & participants to engage with one another in a group discussion (alternative option is also available for this activity for those unable to attend)
- The submission of one short written assignment
Topic outline includes: (Please note this is a outline as of Sept 2021 which is subject to minor changes)
Clinical Leadership Long-Term Care 1: Context Core Leadership Skill Development
This 8-week online course focuses on the practical application of theory and evidence for clinical leadership that supports excellence in resident care and care team collaboration within the Long-Term Care […]
Michael Nguyen
Manager, Advanced Nursing Practice, Seniors Services & Long-Term Care, City of Toronto
Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
April Huang
Manager, Program Services Inpatient and Outpatient Spinal Cord Rehab, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – UHN, Lyndhurst Centre
Registration Information
- Early Bird price (TBD)
- $715 + HST
- Regular price (TBD)
- $785 + HST
- U of T Nursing Alumni save 15%*
- $670 + HST
- U of T Nursing Adjunct and Status Faculty save 15%**
- $670 + HST
Site Groups
A group discount rate of 15% is available for site groups of three or more people. To book please contact
Please Note
- Refund Policy – To withdraw from the course and receive a refund, your written request must be emailed to by TBD. No refunds will be given after this date. All refunds are subject to an administration fee of $100 + tax. As an alternative, a colleague may attend in your place. Please send your substitution request at least 7 days before the course.
- Registration deadline: TBD.
- *U of T Nursing Alumni discount is available to BScN, MN, PMNP Diploma, MScN or PhD graduates of the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto.
- **U of T Nursing Faculty discount is available to individuals with a current (at time of registration) faculty position, adjunct or status appointment, at the Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto.
- Applicable taxes (13% HST) will be added to the registration fees.
- Course Cancellation Policy – The University reserves the right to cancel courses due to unavailability of instructors, facilities or insufficient enrolment. Decisions on course cancellations are made at least 15 calendar days prior to the course starting date, so early registration is recommended. If you enroll in a course that is subsequently cancelled, you may transfer to another section of that course if an alternative is available; or you may receive a full refund. We are not responsible for travel fees or any expenses incurred by you.