Advanced Ostomy Care and Management

This self-directed online course is essential for health care professionals working in acute care, long-term care & community who are interested in enhancing their knowledge and skill in the application of best practices for ostomy and peristomal skin care. This comprehensive course will assist you to critically analyze complex ostomy care problems and apply management techniques required for the provision of quality care for people and families living with ostomies. The course is taught by nursing faculty with expertise in enterostomal therapy.

Content for this course includes: anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal, genitourinary & reproductive systems; conditions related to the need for an ostomy; current surgical procedures, assessment and care, product selection, nutritional and pharmaceutical considerations; specific considerations for pediatrics; and psychological and social aspects of living with an ostomy.


This course has been designed to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based educational experience for registered nurses, registered practical nurses and other healthcare professionals in all healthcare settings who are interested in advancing their basic knowledge and skill competency in ostomy care and management.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this program participants will be able to:

    1. Apply evidence-based knowledge and skill in current ostomy care and management.
    2. Demonstrate assessment and problem-solving skills related to managing ostomy complications.
    3. Formulate plans of care that support the patient and family toward ostomy self-care.
    4. Engage an interprofessional approach to maximize ostomy care independence.
    5. Demonstrate leadership in ostomy management in your place of employment.

Course Format

This course is offered online through the University of Toronto’s learning management system – Quercus. The online modules are supported by electronic textbook readings, video presentations with voice narration, downloadable study guides, website resource links and independent learning activities to assist participants in their studies. It is recommended that participants follow the 11-week program, however access to content is available over a 3-month period and participants can progress at their own pace.

To receive a certificate of completion, participants are required to complete and obtain an overall 70% cumulative average for:

  • 12 short (10-15 question) multi-format quizzes
  • 1 short written reflective paper “Ostomy for a Day”
  • 1 written case study

There are no required synchronized sessions, but participants will have opportunities to interact with each other and faculty through LIVE Question & Answer sessions that are held periodically via Zoom.

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Monica Frecea

Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Enterostomal Therapy Nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto

Leslie Heath

Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC) at University Health Network, Toronto General Hospital

Debra Johnston

Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Specialized in Wound, Ostomy and Continence (NSWOC) at University Health Network, Toronto General Hospital

Julie Tjan Thomas

Adjunct Lecturer, Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Enterostomal Therapy Nurse at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto

Course Outline

This is a self-directed online course.  The following outline includes a “suggested schedule” for successful completion. Participants can progress through the course at their own pace, however the modules must be completed in order. There are no required synchronized (specific day/time) sessions but participants will have opportunities to interact with each other and their faculty through online discussions.  Faculty will monitor participant progress and may “check in” if you are not active in the course for a prolonged period of time.

Suggested Weekly ProgressLearning Module Topics

Week 1

Getting Started: Introductions and Course Expectations

Gastrointestinal Anatomy & Physiology; and Etiologies Resulting in Ostomy

  • GI Anatomy & Physiology
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Ulcerative Colitis

Week 2

Genitourinary Anatomy & Physiology; and Etiologies Resulting in Ostomy

  • GU Anatomy & Physiology
  • Etiologies

Week 3

Reproductive System Anatomy & Physiology

Week 4

Surgical Procedures Resulting in Ostomy

  • Stoma Site marking
  • Stoma Construction & Abdominal Assessment
  • Complications of Pouch Surgery

Week 5

Stoma Function & Management

  • Stoma Function & Management
  • Purpose & Management of the Loop Ostomy Rod

Week 6

Ostomy Containment Products

  • Ostomy Containment Systems
  • Ostomy Accessories

Week 7

Abnormal Stoma & Peristomal Presentations

  • Abnormal Stoma Presentations
  • Abnormal Peristomal Presentations
  • Ostomy Skin Assessment Tool

Week 8

Adapting to Life with an Ostomy

  • Adapting to Life with an Ostomy
  • Pediatric Considerations for Adapting to Life with an Ostomy

Week 9

Ostomy & Nutrition

Week 10

Medications and Ostomy Function

Week 11

Teaching Principles & Strategies; Case Studies; Resources

  • Teaching Principles & Strategies
  • Case Studies
  • Resources

Registration Information


$620 + HST

Please Note

  • Applicable taxes (13% HST) will be added to the registration fees.
  • Refund Policy – To withdraw from the online course and receive a refund, your written request must be emailed to within 24 hours of registering for the course. No refunds will be given after this time limit. All refunds are subject to an administration fee of $100 + tax.
  • Course Cancellation Policy– The Centre for Professional Development reserves the right to cancel courses due to circumstances. The decision to cancel a course is normally made 15 days prior to the course. If you are enrolled in a course which is subsequently cancelled, you may apply your fee to another course, or receive a full refund. The Centre is not responsible for any travel or other expenses incurred by you.

Financial Assistance

OSAP for Micro-credentials

The Ontario Student Assistance Program now offers funding for micro-credentials (short training programs offered by post-secondary institutions), including a number of courses offered by the Centre for Professional Development. This funding initiative is part of Ontario’s micro-credentials strategy, helping learners access more opportunities to train or upskill for in-demand jobs through loans and grants.

OSAP for Micro-credentials is available for eligible students taking a ministry-approved micro-credential that is less than 12 weeks. 

To be eligible for OSAP for Micro-credentials, a student must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or a protected person; and, be a resident of Ontario.  

Ontario residency requirements for the purposes of OSAP for Micro-credentials are consistent with Full-Time OSAP residency criteria. 

Students may be ineligible for the following reasons:

  • they do not meet the Ontario residency requirement 
  • their family income threshold is above the income threshold to qualify for funding (i.e., $80,000 for a family of one person; $100,000 for a family of two or more people) 
  • they are restricted from OSAP for Micro-credentials (e.g., have defaulted on a previous OSAP loan, they have a failed credit check on file, they have a bursary overpayment)

Step 1: Confirm that the University of Toronto micro-credential course you want to take is OSAP-approved.

Step 2: Log in to your OSAP account. If this is your first time applying, you will need to create an OSAP account. 

Step 3: From the options listed, select and complete the OSAP for Micro-credentials Application. You can only receive OSAP for Micro-credentials funding for one course at a time.

Step 4: Once you have completed your application, you will receive communication through your OSAP account, which will guide you in completing a supplementary form on the Service Portal. 

The form requires the following information: 

  • Full Name 
  • Date of Birth 
  • Name of Program 
  • Program Study Period – start and end dates 

This must be completed by the end of the study period. 

Step 5: Your division will confirm the information that you have submitted is correct and confirm your registration status. 

Step 6: The University Registrar’s Office will update the OSAP for Micro-credentials Application with the information provided by both you and your division and process your confirmation of enrolment.

Step 7: If you have not already done so, enrol and pay for the micro-credential course you would like to take.

Note: you must be registered in an OSAP approved micro-credential program before OSAP funding will be issued/released. 

Contact Us

Centre for Professional Development
Lawrence Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
University of Toronto
155 College Street, Suite 130
Toronto, ON, Canada
M5T 1P8