Advanced Nursing Practice Scholarship Health Systems Leadership and Administration
The course provides students who are in the final term of their respective field of study with opportunities to integrate previous learning and continue the analysis, synthesis and integration of advanced theoretical principles and concepts related to advanced nursing practice and leadership. The course will utilize the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) document ‘Advanced Nursing Practice: A Pan-Canadian Framework’ (CNA, 2019)
Students in NUR1169 will also use the Canadian College of Health Leaders LEADS Framework (2010). The LEADS in a Caring Environment Framework (2010) denotes the skills, behaviours, abilities and knowledge for effective leadership in the health system. Caring is a foundational concept in the LEADS framework. According to the LEADS Collaborative the framework “presents a common understanding of what good leadership looks like, across all levels of service provision in healthcare.” (Prerequisite: MN students take this course alone in the final term of the program and only after completion of all other coursework and program requirements).
Delivery Format
Online and In-Person