Leading and Managing Effective Health Care Teams

The goal of NUR1152H is to build on the foundations of NUR1151H to help prepare graduate Masters’ level nurses to manage and deliver evidence-informed administrative practice across a wide range of health services and systems. NUR1152H introduces students to fundamental concepts necessary to engage in evidence-informed management and administrative practice in health services. Students develop skills in administrative analysis and decision-making, human resource management, and management/leadership of interprofessional teams and organizations through exploration of relevant theoretical and empirical literature, related course activities and guided application virtually or in-person in practice settings. The course utilizes both asynchronous and synchronous education delivery approaches, including facilitated online learning activities and 30 hours of supervised practicum with an advanced practice nurse manager. During the practicum, students will develop an understanding of the different roles of the nurse manager and the challenges associated with leading in current healthcare contexts.  

With the support of the nurse manager preceptor, students will begin to develop advanced practice nursing management /LEADS competencies required in a formal management role. (Prerequisite: NUR1151H).

Delivery Format

Hybrid – Online and in-person