Nursing Approaches to Common Physiological and Behavioural Manifestations of Critically Ill Patients
Critically examine the research basis for nursing interventions used in the practice setting to manage common problems experienced by patients in a critical care setting. Benefit from the opportunity to obtain in-depth knowledge in the nursing management of patients who are critically ill. The phenomena examined are those that are common to all patients in critical care settings regardless of disease entity. For each topic, current knowledge regarding its pathophysiological basis is reviewed. This will provide the basis for discussing the effect of the phenomena on patient, both physiologically and behaviorally. Evidence to support nursing intervention is critically examined. The stress response and associated pathophysiological changes provides the framework for the discussion of: 1) alterations in sensory/perception-delirium; 2) nutrition in the critically ill patient; 3) impaired sleep and sleep deprivation; 4) weaning of ventilated patients and the associated complications; 5) prolonged immobility and associated complications; 6) pain in the critically ill patient. In-class 3 hours/week
Program Requirements Course Type: Core Course Clinical Field