Showing 1-7 of 7 Testimonials

I was impressed by the dedication and expertise of the faculty members. Their commitment to fostering a dynamic learning environment, combined with their wealth of real-world experience, truly set the […]

Profile of Rey Omar Mina

The first year was hard and busy but transformational. The curriculum provided students with various ways of learning including lectures, online discussions, case studies, and simulation labs. Learning hands-on from […]

Profile of Tomoko Fukushima

Being a Doctor of Nursing student has led me on a journey of intellectual growth and discovery and through rigorous research, collaboration with esteemed peers from across Canada, and mentorship […]

Profile of Kandis Harris

Introduced at a time when learning health systems are unfolding across Canada, Bloomberg’s Doctor of Nursing program has commenced at a perfect time. During this program, I have gained a […]

I chose to attend Bloomberg Nursing at the University of Toronto for graduate studies to engage deeply with leading nurse scholars and learn within a community of emerging nurse leaders, […]

As a student, my most memorable learning experience took place in a second-year class on reflexive nursing practice. Prior to taking this class, I was unaware of reflexive practice and […]

I chose to attend Bloomberg Nursing because of the number of clinical placements we complete and the access to GTA hospitals as placement options. This made the program stand out […]